Thursday, March 18, 2010

SA Launches Romance eBook Store!

We've had a few posts here in the past couple of weeks about the pro's and con's of self-publishing as well as general discussions on ebooks. These all seem to have lead quite deliciously to the launch of a new romance ebook shop on our local shores.

eBook Diva - a romantic fiction readers' community have just launched their site. It's a gorgeous pink collaboration between New Holland Publishing and Booksite Digital (Afrika) where they offer the romance reading community ebooks at South African Rand rates! So if you'd like to start reading some of those Harlequin Romance books you've seen advertised online and never got around to buying them in US Dollars - delay no more you have your very own site!

The other aspect to the site is the free writer's community where you are able to build and share your own work. Your readers can also provide comments on your work which in turn will help you develop as an author. (Whether it's a thick skin or something more insightful will remain to be seen!) There are plenty of success stories out there of authors who have offered their initial work for free, in order to build up a following, and have subsequently gone on to sell their other books!

Click here to go check it out for yourself and then come back and let us know what you think!


  1. This is a great idea and such a pleasure to be able to get romances at a reasonable (South African!) price! :)

  2. Thanks for the info, Mandy. Now off to take a look-see

  3. And I'm back. What a great site, they seem to have a particular affiliation with M&B... wonder if they'll grow to include ebooks from all the publishers. Considering the problematic post on ordering books from outside the country, ebooks seem to be the way to go - now I'd still like to see the prices drop just a little more
